Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Sky - My inspiration

It's a bright sunny day... the clear sky and the gentle breeze seems so soothing ... as if it was trying to say something to me....

Everyday we wake up with so many things in mind ... our immediate work at hand doesn't really allow us to think beyond the usual... we are not able to clear up our mind from the daily goals ... can we really be like the bright clear sunny sky... not really .. even the sky is overcast sometimes...so it's part of life.... Just that we should keep ourselves reminding... at some point of time we need to purify our thoughts and be like the clear sky...

In the night the sky is lit by millions of stars... I like watching them and I watch them for hours sometimes... when I am lonely... they signify to me a sense of camaraderie when millions of them stand beside each other....hand in hand.... but again there are few who are far apart... lonely... all by themselves...they don't have a choice....we do.....

Life to me is made of little things which brings you great happiness... your success is nothing if you have nobody to share with...

I have always believed that a Smile can do wonders...it can break barriers...it can improve relationships...it can bring happiness to others....it can heal a painful heart...it can remind you of the golden days...

Today the sky is smiling at me... and reminding me not to forget the same even when you face those overcast days....when nothing goes in your favour.....

So keep smiling :-)


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