Saturday, October 28, 2006


It feels so good when you are surrounded by those who love for you...they provide you the unseen shield of warmth and protection.... you are never left don't care for the have no sufferings...because there are so many who carry you through when you face the most difficult phase in life..

Each moment of life looks many things to many to listen to you...friends & family or that special person... they are all with you... you share each achivement...each moment...and they listen...they rejoice with you...when you are down they make you smile by cracking jokes...or anything which brings back your smile...which is so valuble to them...

Such is the life with them....we never think what would be life without them till they are with us...

And....One day you leave them or they leave move apart...fate seems to play a role which is indomitable... you lose out.. It is that time we realize what have we are missing in life...when those who made our life..are no more with me...

We live by remembering them each day each's so difficult when you remember them and you are not with them...

Yet life goes on...we meet new people...make new friends...and again they make your life wonderful...

So "Take Life as it comes" and be happy for what you have now...............:-)



At 2:02 AM, Blogger Harsh said...

Hmmmm... is'nt it the way, life goes on ?? But it pains when u'r separated from those, who care for you... you build new relationships, but the old ones remain intact - infact, they even grow sometimes as the distance grows... have a rocking time ahead for the next 5 days.... :) :D


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